This was my course of action as of February, 2011. This included over 8 months of physiotherapy and 2 months of Chiro. I will continue the supplementation and exercise indefinitely.
1) Glucosamine and Chondroitin with MSM from Animal Flex – 1 pack a day – Commenced 2/19/2011 ~$50.00 Rationale
2) Fish Oil soft gel capsules from GNC – 3 a day (Omega fatty acids) – Commenced 2/19/2011 ~$60.00 Rationale
3) Genacol collagen capsules – 3 a day before bed – Commenced 2/19/2011 ~$60.00 Rationale Didn’t seem to help.
4) Whey protein isolate and glutemine shake – 1 a day before bed – Commenced 02/15/2011 ~$100.00
5) Rebuild your Back Program – only the primary exercises to start off, trying not to aggravate the stenosis ~$20.00
6) Sacro/Lumbar stabilization exercises as needed ~$30.00
7 ) More sleep
8 ) Spinal Stretch – $140.00 Rationale Discontinued due to numbness
9) Antinflammatories. Apo Napro NA DS 550MG Naproxen Sodium and pain killers as needed. I hope to never have to take Naproxen again.
10) I’ve thrown my name in for an allogenic MPC stem cell fda phase II trial in the US. We’ll see if I’m selected as a candidate and if the trial actually goes ahead. I was rejected from the trial on April 5th, 2011 due to stenosis. Phase III might be more promising
11) 2000 years of yogic tradition
*I do not endorse these steps for anyone else… this is all one big experiment* 😉
If this fails, I’ll be looking into surgery at L4-5. UPDATE – I had L4-5 replaced with a Spinal Kinetics M6-L on July 13, 2011.
desperately want to talk with you
im in alberta,give me a note so we can talk