For Surgery:
1) Boeree – M6 & Decompression (UK)
2) Clavel – M6 & Decompression (SPAIN)
3) Ritter Lang – M6 & Decompression (GERMANY)
4) Flood – Mulitple Laminectomies and stem cell disc injections (US)
5) Pimenta – Fusion via XLIF or ADR via lateral XL-TDR (BRAZIL)
6) Specialist Referral Centre/Cambie – Microdiscectomy for my leg pain only. They cannot help with the back pain nor do they offer artificial discs (CANADA)
7) Dr. Zigler at the Texas Back Institute. Prodisc and decompression (US)
8 ) LA Spine Institute. They would like to enroll me in the Axiomed Freedom Disc trial (US)
9) Parkway Health. Dynamic stabilization (Singapore)
Against Surgery:
1) Caleo – Core work. ADR probably contraindicated by facets and short pedicles but I have an appointment in June 2013 to speak with a Surgeon (CANADA)
2) Physio – Core work, swimming & thai chi (CANADA)
1) Chiro – Flexion/Extension and traction as allowed. Offered discogram, steroid injections and thinks I should get some second opinions regarding a microdiscectomy (Canada)
Clinical trials: Mesoblast and DePuy are bust until Phase III. Nuqu is bunk.
My big question is whether or not the pain will get better after 8 months (where I’m at currently). So far, no luck.