I called CALEO to book my post-surgery follow-up and inquire about my consultation with Dr. Bouchard. My appointment with the surgeon is set for June, 2013. Seriously. It will be a 2 year wait to see the surgeon in Calgary for a potential disc replacement. There is no way my facets will be able to tough that out… so that would probably mean a fusion in 2 years. I realize that it is by no means life threatening, but 2 years is crazy. I thought maybe 2 years for a surgery with a consultation at some point in between. Nope. 2 years to talk to the guy, then maybe a procedure a few months afterward to help me with my increasingly achy legs and shitty back. I think we might need some reform in the Canadian healthcare system for non-life threatening joint replacements. At least in Alberta anyway. Technically it’s 2 years plus eight months, as it took 8 months to get the referral in the first place. I’ll be writing a letter to my MP.
I booked my surgical follow up with Dr. Meerholz on August 10th, 2011. That will be roughly 6 weeks post op. I believe I’ve absolutely made the correct decision at this point. I am a surgical case and conservative care is just expediting the deterioration of my back. I simply can’t wait for Canada to catch up to me nor can I really afford to do this right now…. but I can’t afford not to do it more. 🙁
I go in on Thursday to request my MRSA and MSU tests from my GP. This will be an interesting visit as I haven’t seen him since last October when he told me to suck it up. I’ve got 9 opinions contrary to that.
What is taking so long with the simple, injectable, biological repair products!?