Well… As I sit here an enjoy my last pre-surgery cigar(probably forever) and glass of brandy, everything has finally sunk in.
I’ve had ~4 holy shit moments in my life so far. One was the death of a dear friend, Rich. The next was visiting the Pantheon in Paris and standing next to the tombs of Voltaire and Rousseau. One was visiting Uluru. The last, was the birth of my daughter, Nora. I had one tonight as the countdown to July 13th finally sank in. It’s make or break.
There are a lot of other bloggers out their posting their progress in various stages of their decision and recovery processes. I’ve added them into my links section for anyone else that cares to read up.
Singapore got back to me finally and wanted to pursue a more conservative approach through dynamic stabilization based on my MRI report. They didn’t get a chance to view the actual MRI for logistical reasons and came in pretty close to what I’ll be paying in the UK. I like and trust Mr. Boeree, so it isn’t enough for me to change my mind. Not to mention it’s a f*#$!^g long flight to get there. Too long for my back. Costa Rica at 7ish hours was hard enough last week.
The money is transferred, the MRSA results are back for me to pick up tomorrow, I’ve signed the documents, completed as much as I can of my app for short-term disability, booked the hotels, flights, filled out my application for reimbursement with our provincial health system(good luck!) and have my last appointment with my GP on Thursday. I leave for the UK on Saturday to onboard a new hire in London for the week and head out to Eastleigh on Monday the 11th of July. Hopefully if all goes well, I fly back to Calgary on the 22nd of July. Fingers are crossed.