I’m Off

All my ducks are in a row and I’m off to London for work next week.  The following week, I’ll be visiting Mr. Boeree for my new disc.  Wish me luck!

The only thing I wasn’t able to complete was my application for Alberta Healthcare reimbursement… but I will try to complete it remotely next week.  I’m not holding my breath on this one, mind you!  I’m dreading the flight, but have taken 2 x 550MG Naproxen Sodiums to ease the pain a little.  We’ll see what shape I’m in when I land and take in some Wimbledon, pints and meet up with some friends.


One thought on “I’m Off

  1. Awsome Brett! Good luck to ya. Like I said before, I think you are in excellent surgical hands.

    Have a safe trip,


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