In what was probably our final face to face conversation yesterday, Mr. Boeree mentioned something very important. I haven’t read about it much online, but a few friends that have endured a major surgery have imparted their experience on the subject to me as well.
The work-up to surgery is intense, consuming and exciting in a way. It’s an emotional high to get everything organized and done. When it’s over, some people start to feel a little lost. Physically, your body has been torn apart and is releasing hormones to help repair everything and slow down. Mr. Boeree said that depression happens often and to be aware of it. I will try to be and will explain this to my family. Hopefully it isn’t an issue, but it is good to be aware.
The car ride and elevator bump were pretty hard on me yesterday and I’m taking it very easy today. I’ve walked for a total of about 20 minutes so far and will try to rest some more.
I can understand that completely. I’ve had two previous surgeries on my lower back (not fusion or ADR) and there is a bit of backlash so to speak after the anti-climatic surgery itself. This need for validation tends to push us too hard for results so take it easy. I think you are doing that. Don’t let it get you down, all in due time. Time is your friend now and not your enemy.
Hang in there!
I can definitely relate to that. I am 3 weeks out of back surgery(not ADR or fusion), and it has been real hard on me mentally. I’ve been active all my life and I will have to make some serious changes. One thing that has really helped to get me excited about everything again is planning a new hobby for when I recover fully. For me it is going to be archery. I competed in archery competitions when I was younger, and I really need an aspect of my life where I can be good at something without damaging my back. I hope your recovery goes great. You will be in my prayers.
@Kevin… I’m not pushing for any results right now. I’m just heeding the warnings of Nick, the nurses and the physio staff of the dreaded DVT. You have to walk/move as much as possible post-op to minimize the likelihood DVT and the formation of scar tissue. Other than that, I’m already happy with my outcome! I pray that my little successes continue and know that there will always be setbacks. I’m really not pushing for anything else right now – except for maybe the week to melt away so I can finally be home with my family! 🙂
For anyone one that doesn’t know this already, the risk of DVT lasts for 6 weeks post lumbar ADR and I have to wear the sexy flight socks well into being back home in Canada(the full 6 weeks). You also have to take blood thinners up until the day after your flight returns home.
@Zach – congrats on finding a new sport! Archery is pretty cool and I’ve always wanted to give it a try. I like shooting… kinda like archery, but cheating! Good luck with your recovery as well.
Hey Bro!! I definitely hear you about major surgery and the depression that comes along with that. But I think that it also helps explain why women experience depression after giving birth…major body changes and hormonal changes to deal with the birth and getting your body back to its normal state. Not to mention the intense feeling of all of your organs trying to find their “rightful place” so to speak in your body! I will absolutely understand if you experience any feelings like this and if you need to talk to someone about it…I’m just a phone call away! Good luck with recovery and take it easy, before to long you will have another bundle of joy to welcome home!! 🙂