Week 17

I don’t have a lot new to report, but my final physio session is tomorrow.  I’m still plowing through the core work and waiting patiently for the 6 month mark!  Everything has gone well (knock on wood) up until this point and I really hope it continues.  It looks like Mike, Tim and Jstuckey are doing well too.

Like Tim, I probably won’t be posting as much going forward… just milestones or setbacks as they occur.  I had another little milestone today. 🙂

Vintage me, 11/08/2011.

We had a photoshoot at work and I was asked to don some retro gear on the ice.  I jumped at the chance!  While my lower-back is still a little tight, the discomfort was a far cry from the old pain.  I could feel everything stretching back there as I slowly and purposefully went into my crouch.  There were no action shots – just stills and I’m no worse for the wear.  Hopefully, a sign of things to come!

I’ll add that it was quite emotional for me to step back on the ice in skates and gear.  It’s been over a year since I had to give it all up.

The old seats don’t seem as uncomfortable any more either. 😉


One thought on “Week 17

  1. Brett – looks good on you. Hope to see you out before the end of the year, but if not, there’s always next year! Congrats on being “normal” – well, as normal as any goalie can be!

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