I made it through! I did 3 short ice sessions to work on my endurance and have upped my walking/yoga regimen at home. Low and behold, I played a full 1.25 hours last night! It was a 5-2 loss in the end, but a win for my silly back. I was definitely aware of my back while playing, though it was not painful. I’ve still got a lot of work to do on my flexibility as 2 years off the formal yoga mat have taken their toll.
All in all, it was a little tight last night and this morning, but no different than my pre-injury back in 2010. These lower back muscles/ligaments haven’t been worked/stretched this hard in approximately 2 years.
Zoticos (from adrsupport) and I have contacted the lead Phd in charge of spinal biomechanics at Loyola… who also happens to have run the tests on the M6-L for quality of motion and durability. We’re eagerly awaiting his response for those of us trying to return to a high level of physical activity and sport post-adr. I will definitely report back on our findings. 🙂