Back Stress Test

I had my first real endurance test with my new back this weekend and passed with flying colours.  I was tasked at work with merging two Active Directories – essentially merging the backends of two separate companies.  30 hours of work with the majority of them in front of my home workstation and no sleep on Sunday night!  I was a little groggy on Monday, but knocked off early, went to bed and woke up refreshed today.  I had next to no back pain while working and took small breaks for physio/walking.  There is no way I could have done this pre-op!

Physically demanding work and sports are still a ways out but, I’m pretty happy with this small milestone.  🙂


Weeks 12/13

I’m here.  3 months!  I’m feeling pretty good, but reminded often of my limitations if I push a little too hard.  Having said that, it is nothing that a rest or sleep over night won’t fix.  My pain overall is significantly less than pre-op and I haven’t taken any pain killers/NSAIDs in quite some time.  Interestingly, most of my discomfort now seems to come from the SI joint when my back is upset.  I think more stretching and yoga will do wonders for me once I’m cleared to do so.

I’ve been ok’d by Mr. Boeree to start running(treadmill) and up my cardio a bit.  I’ve been using the athlete and military studies as benchmarks and it sounds as though one should be able to push to 75% capacity of cardio by around the 12 week mark.  Actual running outdoors is still a few weeks out.  Too bad I hate running!  I’m very much looking forward to some light yoga in a month or two and will avoid serious twists and bends or up to a year or so.

The 9 week PT routine I posted leaves me a little sore, so I’m still using the older one.  I’m able to go through it without any pain and am still walking every night.  Picking up my kids is a breeze, but I do get some discomfort in forward flexion when putting the kids in the car.  It’s getting easier and is much better than pre-op.

I can both sit and walk for long periods of time now and would call them “unlimited”.

Mr. Boeree on the implant itself from my 12 week xrays:

I was able to look at your 12 week x-rays.  We have them on our system here now.  They really do show excellent appearances, the disc position being maintained beautifully.  It looks nicely bonded now. 

My radiographer in Calgary screwed up the angles a bit and Mr. Boeree was only able to view the position of the implant despite detailed instructions I brought along.  Just a heads up to be very specific in what you need.  I was and they still screwed up!  It isn’t a big deal, but we’ll need to fix it for the 6 month review to get a better look around the implant.

Tim and Mike are espousing the benefits of nerve flossing and retlouping and I’m going to give them a try for my tight hammies.


Nerve Flossing

Congrats to Joey Sue on a successful surgery so far!

Nothing back from my government health insurance on reimbursement… 6 weeks and counting.
